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Dream Centers Update

We have signed the lease on our first Dream Center building. It is a small office complex in the geographic center of our city, near the intersection of Academy and Austin Bluffs. I am very thankful to a generous businessman in our church for allowing us to use his property rent free.

The site is perfect for a medical clinic downstairs and the rooms on the second floor will be great for drug and alcohol support groups that we hope to start in January. Right now, Pastor Matthew Ayers is meeting with medical professionals and many other volunteers to organize and plan what types of medical and dental services can be offered. We are also going to install new carpet on the second floor and give it a fresh coat of paint.

This is not something that can be done super quick so be patient as we do our due diligence. We do hope to use the building during the upcoming holiday season for some outreaches into our city and we should have phase one of the clinic open in the first quarter of 2011.

If you want to serve our city, contact Pastor Matthew at Thanks for your prayers and support. The dream of caring for our city through many Dream Centers is becoming a reality. God be praised!

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Defender or Defensive?

Nobody likes to be criticized and all of us want people to like us to some degree. When criticism or unfair comments are made about us, we naturally want to respond, to defend our reputations, to set the record straight. That sounds like the right thing to do, but that’s not what Jesus did. He did not retaliate when he was insulted, instead he trusted his case was in the hands of God who always judges fairly.

In the past three years, there have been blogs and news reports about me that were completely inaccurate and it was difficult to read and listen to them without defending myself. One morning on a phone call, my friend, Pastor Jimmy Evans, gave me some great advice. He told me there was a difference between being a defender and being defensive.

He told me if my only goal was to defend my reputation, I should stay silent but if I needed to defend the people of New Life from harm, then I should speak. It was wise advice and I am thankful I decided to not defend myself. Secure people have faith that God is one the one who brings justice to all situations, either in this age or in the age to come.

Secure people are a people of peace and are quick to forgive those who have hurt them. Secure people prefer mercy because they have not forgotten how much mercy they need everyday.

If we are going to walk away from a life of insecurity, we have to trust, like Jesus, that we have a perfect shepherd watching over us and we are the sheep of his pasture. How do you respond to unfair attacks? Can you trust God for justice?

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Be Wisely Authentic

I think it is great when pastors are candid about their own struggles. Authenticity builds trust and allows for others in the fellowship to speak honestly about their own issues. Church masks are removed and people are able to get the help they need.

But there are times when the pastor can share way too much information and cause people to actually stumble. This past Sunday, I shared a really vulnerable story about my personal struggle with depression last year. I hope it was helpful, but I was mindful of a couple of questions we should all consider before we share personal issues.

1. Has the issue been resolved? I am not sure pastors should confess their struggles publicly until they have at least started the process of getting some help privately. The Sunday morning stage should not the be the first time we confess our weaknesses. We need to have a trusted circle of mature friends who can hear this first and then we can talk about it publicly when it is appropriate. Don’t be vulnerable just to be cool. I know many young believers who have given up even trying to live Godly lives because they believe there is no use trying if their leaders cannot be victorious. Confess, but then tell them the path you found toward healing and wholeness. That is encouraging and will actually build hope in people.

2. Am I about to share something that will embarrass someone? In the first talk on Sunday when I was telling my story of near depression, I made it seem that Pam and I were struggling in our marriage, although the struggle was not with her, but with my role as Senior Pastor. I made that clearer in the 11am service, but it reminded me to be very careful not to reveal something about someone just to tell a cool story about my messiness. Protect people and their reputations at all costs, even at the cost of a good sermon illustration.

I hope every leader feels the freedom to be transparent, honest and vulnerable. It’s refreshing and healing to those who hear and it helps all of us take off those silly church masks and live honest lives filled with hope and freedom.

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An Adoption Story

It was still dark outside when the alarm sounded, jarring Pam and I from a restless sleep. The day was finally here after ten years of waiting. We were going to be parents. 

This part of the story had started three months earlier when a woman who attended church with us in Amarillo, TX asked if we would adopt her son when he was born.  We said yes almost immediately.  We went to doctor’s appointments with her, met her other children and became friends along the way.

On the morning she was scheduled to deliver Abram, I remember Pam getting completely ready in about 20 minutes, which is lightning fast for my southern bride. We arrived at the hospital, put on our scrubs and were at the birth mom’s side during the c-section procedure. When the doctor brought Abram from the womb, he handed him to me first. His bald head and thick eye lashes are what I remember most.

Four days later, we had a ceremony in the hospital where the birth family said their goodbyes and handed Abram to us wrapped in a blue and white blanket.  Aside from our own salvation experiences, it was the single most spiritual moment in either of our lives. Adoption is the central theme of the Gospel and for those of us who get to experience the miracle of adopting a child, the message is even more poignant.

12 years have now passed, and our little boy is becoming a little man. He is brilliant, hilarious and loves Legos and all things Snoopy. He loves life more than any kid I know.  I am thankful that God chose us to be his parents and I am thankful for his birth mom who showed true courage and unbelievable obedience to God.

If God is leading you to give your life away to a child who needs a parent, check out for info about Wait No More. Colorado is really close to being the first state to have a waiting list of parents wanting children instead of a long list of kids who wish they had a family of their own. I can’t wait to hear your stories.

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What is a Healthy Church?

We all want to belong to a healthy church and I certainly want to lead one, but what are the characteristics and traits that are synonymous with healthy churches? Is there any way to really measure something that seems so abstract? This is not an exhaustive list, but this should at least start some good conversations.

1. A healthy church is led well.

When the early apostles established churches, they looked for men and women with obvious character to lead the fellowships. They appointed elders who were mature, had good reputations in the community, were not greedy for money and managed their own families well. These leaders were accountable for their decisions and had proven themselves faithful.

2. A healthy church values relationships.

Healthy churches have a low tolerance for gossip or divisive behavior. They understand the power of unity and are ok with healthy debate so long as relationships are not splintered.  They purposely live in authentic community and look for every opportunity to meet the needs of one another. They see each other as family and are determined to live life together in the good times and bad.

3. A healthy church is outward focused.

Healthy churches are always looking to care for their community and are willing to use any available resource to meet the needs around them. Healthy churches are a blessing to the community in which they live as citizens. They are a generous people who give sacrificially at every opportunity.

New Life is not perfect, but we are determined to be healthy. It is not easy just like a healthy lifestyle is not easy. We must wake up everyday determined to do the right thing for the right reason, even if it hurts. Healthy churches change the world and I am grateful to belong to a church that is doing just that.

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Ten Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me 15 Years Ago

I have been a pastor for about 15 years now and it has mostly been a fantastic journey with some of the best people on the planet. I did not attend seminary or have much formal training when I started out, but I sure wish someone had told me these ten things in the beginning.

1. Sheep bites can’t kill me, but the gnawing will make life miserable a few days each year.

2. No matter how hard I try, I will always be tempted to measure my success by attendance numbers.

3. The best thing I can do to build and grow God’s kingdom is to be myself and not compare myself to others.

4. It takes a long time to become old friends so nurture and cherish the old friendships God has given me.

5. I will only have as much spiritual authority as I am willing to submit to myself. Independence will destroy me but there is power in submission.

6. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Challenge people to go deeper even when the message is unpopular.

7. My brain will always feel like scrambled eggs on Sunday afternoon so don’t make any major decisions until Tuesday morning.

8. Some people will only trust you after a really long time of proving yourself and another group will never trust you no matter what you do.

9. Don’t feel guilty about taking a Sabbath. It was not a suggestion.

10. I will never regret spending time with my family instead of saying yes to a church meeting that someone else could lead.

I hope this is helpful to other young leaders who are launching out into ministry. What are some of things you wish someone had told you before you started ministry in the local church?

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Dream Centers Update

We may have found our first building for the Dream Centers we wish to open. It is a small first step, but I am super excited to get started.

The building is a two-story office complex in the geographic center of our city. I will give you an address once the elders and I finalize the lease. The building is being given to us rent free!

We believe we can open a free medical clinic on the first floor and begin marriage and family ministry for military couples on the second floor. Of course, both will be led by a coalition of volunteers.

We are still looking at other properties around the city that would allow us to meet the unmet and underserved needs in our community. We are also in the early stages of getting a separate 501(c)3 for the Dream Centers and talking to potential board members from the business, military and church worlds.

Thanks for praying with me. God is at work and I am grateful to be a part of what He is doing. Greater things are yet to come in our city.

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Marinating vs. Microwaving

Jesus was brilliant. I know I sound like Captain Obvious, but Jesus knew how to build something that would last for millenniums. He invested three years in 12 men and then left them right when the church was about to be birthed. The 11 that remained as followers plus a small group of committed women then changed the world.

Why is this idea so hard for modern church leaders to grasp? Why do we continue to use Western marketing principles that ultimately fail instead of using the simple methods of Jesus, which are rock solid?

I am building a ministry to men at New Life and I have decided to spend the next three years building a group of leaders emphasizing relationships and not events or classes. We will have some events and some classes, but we will focus most of our effort on living our lives in authentic community. We are going to go deep before we grow wide.

Most people looking from the outside may think we are not that successful because I cannot point to big attendance numbers as proof. Please pray for me that I will not give in to the temptation to simply get a big crowd to come to an event. My goal at the end of the three years is to have around 200 men from every generation who will help me pastor the 5000 or so men who call New Life home. My goal is not to get the 5000 to show up at some meeting.

Crowds do not multiply, but disciples do. The challenge will be to marinate and not succumb to the microwave mentality that plagues the American church world. We want instant “success” like we want instant rice. We want to be on Top 100 lists even though Jesus would have never made it himself.

Only 120 were in the Upper Room and they were tired, scared and immature. Then they changed the culture of the evil Greco-Roman world in which they lived. They had depth because they had been built from the inside out. The crowds ultimately abandoned Jesus, but those who were in relationship with him stood firm.

I am returning to the ancient because it is the hope for the postmodern world in which I pastor and lead. Come marinate in deep relationships with me. Let’s go deep before we grow wide. Let’s change the world one friendship at a time.

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The Top Ten Worship Tunes in My World

I love songs that help lead me into worship and I have a list of 10 favorites that are special to me right now.

1. Overcome – written by Jon Egan of New Life Church. It’s the song that’s the anthem of New Life Church and will forever be one of my favorites because of what happened when we sang it on the Wednesday night after the shooting on our campus. Favorite line – “Everyone, Overcome”

2. You Hold it All – New Life Worship, written by Jon Egan – Favorite line “I will not fear!”

3. How He Loves – written by John Mark McMillan, but best sung by Jared Anderson. This song still wrecks me when I sing it. Favorite line – “I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way that you love us.”

4. Revelation Song – best when sung by Kari Jobe, although she did not write it as most people believe. Jennie Riddle wrote it. Favorite line – “Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of your name.”

5. The Great I Am – a brand new song written by Jared Anderson, not published yet, but it will be soon. This song is sung to God about God, which I believe is the purest type of worship tunes.

6. This I Know – a brand new song written by Jon Egan and Daniel Grothe, not published yet, but it will be soon. Ditto from my explanation of #5.

7. The Stand – From Hillsong United. Favorite line – “I’ll stand, my arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all.”

8. Tears of the Saints – a killer song from the band, Leeland, that talks about the church helping the poor. The first time I heard this tune, I had to stop walking around my neighborhood because of the tears.

9. From the Inside Out – From Hillsong United. My favorite line –  “Your glory goes beyond all fame.”

10. In Christ Alone – no song so clearly communicates the entire Gospel message as this one. Written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend, but best sung by Brad Parsley. Favorite line – “No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me.”

What are the songs that God is using to draw you closer right now?

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Every Sunday Needs a Wednesday…

Recently, I was asked to be a part of a really cool leadership event called “The Nines”. It was broadcast over the web to about 25,000 leaders. They asked me to tell about a game changing moment in my ministry life and how it affected me. I had only six minutes to talk. Watch the video by clicking below to hear what I said and give me your thoughts.

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