Posts Tagged ‘opinions’

How do we know if we are held captive by others’ opinions?

This has set me free! Don’t be a slave any longer. Don’t let the enemy push this hot button. You are a child of God! Walk in it!

1. When our thoughts are consumed with others’ thoughts toward us – we are walking in the fear of man.

2.  When our day goes south because we feel slighted by a comment or a cross look – we are walking in the fear of man.

3.  When we feel the need to get others on our side by speaking ill of another – we are walking in the fear of man.

4.  When our goal is more to impress than to bless – we are walking in the fear of man.

Fear of others’ opinions doesn’t just show itself through insecurity, it’s also revealed through pride. There’s no winning the battle of others’ opinions!  It’s a trap, and we will be its slave if we reduce our lives to a series of actions that will please others and give them a momentary favorable opinion of us.

However, when we walk in the fear of the Lord-when we love Him enough to do what He says-we will be safe. Not that others won’t gossip-they will-but when they do, He will be our defense. 🙂


~excerpt from Susie Larson’s book The Uncommon Woman…this applies to men, too, though. 😉

March 2025