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The Place, Face and Pace

The congregation in Antioch was blessed with a number of prophet-preachers and teachers. One day as they were worshipping God – they were also fasting as they waited for guidance – the Holy Spirit spoke: “Take Barnabas and Saul and commission them for the work I have called them to do.” So they commissioned them. In that circle of intensity and obedience, of fasting and praying, they laid hands on their heads and sent them off.

Acts 13:1-3 MSG

This is one of my favorite stories in the book of Acts. From the very beginning, the local church was supposed to be a family that celebrated multiplication and expansion. We are designed by our creator to nurture and send out our best. In the past six years at New Life, we have planted four churches in the US, dozens more overseas, and helped several of our staff transition to take key roles at existing churches. We have also launched a campus in our downtown area and are planning for more campus multiplication soon. Whether planting new churches, strengthening existing ones or opening campuses, I have learned there are three key factors that determine the success of each transition.

The Place

First, God gives us a burden for a place. Two years ago, while praying for our city, I felt an increasing responsibility to go to the downtown area. So, we began looking for places to meet, asking pastors of other downtown churches for their input and assessing the demands and needs of the area. The more we talked and asked questions, the more intense the burden became. It was clear the Lord was leading us to expand to a new place.

The Face

Second, God shares that burden with a person who is willing to go. About the same time, Pastor Glenn Packiam felt a transition in his role with our congregation and he was beginning to feel the same thing for downtown. Glenn had several important responsibilities at our main campus, but his team was ready to take over the leadership of his areas so he could be released to go. Glenn is a great communicator, teacher and leader and was the perfect person to go downtown with a team of people. We had the place and the face, but there was one last thing to consider.

The Pace

Third, God gives us a pace. Timing is so important in every transition, especially if it involves key staff. Are they really ready as a leader to lead a congregation of their own? Are there emerging leaders ready to take their place or will their departure cause more harm than good to the sending church? Is their enough budget to fund them properly? Do they have a team to go with them? All of this requires wisdom, lots of conversation, and much prayer. Leaving too quickly can cause irreparable harm to both parties, but so can staying around too long. Pace is important, if not critical in the process.

All of this requires prayer and trusting, truthful relationships. It requires pastors willing to send and leaders who are willing to say “yes” to the adventure of going to the unknown. I am grateful Barnabas and Saul answered the call and for a church in Antioch that was not afraid to release their best people into a world that really needed them.


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The Nicene Creed

New Life Church proclaims the Nicene Creed as our statement of belief. This creed dates back to the fourth century, when Christians came together and composed this formative and definitive statement. Building on earlier, shorter creedal phrases and crafted from careful study of the central texts of Scripture shared among the community of faith, the Nicene Creed has stood the test of time as a standard of what Christians from every stream of the Body of Christ believe. It is more than an intellectual checklist of doctrine; it is a confession of worship that forms us as the people of God and draws us together into the life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father [and the Son].1
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic2 and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.


1. Early versions of the Nicene Creed do not contain the phrase “and the Son.”

2. Or “universal.”

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Sincerity Is Better than Cool

Sincerity – speaking and acting honestly and truthfully; someone who is free from pretense and is genuine.

We pastors are a troublesome tribe at times.  None of us will admit to being copycats of the cool, but let one young pastor start a fast growing church and suddenly many of us will begin wearing the same bow tie and preaching the same sermon series, hoping for the same quick results. For those of us tired of this charade, I have good news! The age of slick and smooth is over and the era of sincerity is back.

It is true. The best you can do is be you. Sincerity is better than cool. What people want, better yet, what our congregations really need is for pastors to really be real. If we are a middle age man with thinning hair and a graying beard, it is ok. In fact, to earn the trust of our younger congregation members, we must put aside all the pretense and speak honestly about our core beliefs with conviction. They know when we are pretending, anyway.

They want to know what we really believe. They have grown up inundated with tricky marketing slogans. They are not moved by highly produced worship services and sermons that have all the humanity rehearsed away. They are eager to know what is sustainable, what will endure through the trials of adversity and the temptations of prosperity. They do not want to be tricked. They want to be taught by teachers who have learned themselves. Vulnerability reaches them much quicker than polished presentations.

If you are naturally quick witted and funny, then be funny when you speak. If you are more serious and studious, practicing a punchline to be funnier will only fall flat to those trying to connect with you. We want truth and we need it from genuine people, the real McCoy’s. Bona fide believers are discipled best by veritable pastors who have stopped trying to mimic the latest crazes and have embraced the right now move of the Holy Spirit.

So let’s get on with authentic teaching and embrace the sacred call of pastor. Let us stop the comparisons and embrace the reality that God has called us, just as we are. That is enough, now and forever.



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The Calm and Quiet Soul

The world promises peace to us, but only God really can provide it. Whatever nanosecond of restfulness or relief the world offers is fragile, elusive, and circumstantial. It is also self-maintained: we must constantly find it, produce it, and keep it going, which causes us to work against that which we seek. But perhaps the worst truth about the world’s version of peace is that it is futile; it is no more than a mirage.

It’s hardly this way with God. Jesus said of divine peace, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).The rest God gives is abiding. It’s eternal. It sits far below our circumstances and heals us from the inside out. What’s more, it is Spirit maintained: he produces it, he provides it, he perpetuates it in our lives.

Here’s the goal I ought to be working toward: a calm and quiet soul. This is what it says in Psalm 131: “My heart is not proud, LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content” (vv. 1-2).

When work stress mounts, we can have a calm and quiet soul.

When a spouse admits an affair, we can have a calm and quiet soul.

When a teenager rebels, we can have a calm and quiet soul.

When any of these (and a thousand other) things happen, we can calm and quiet our souls. Not inebriate and numb ourselves. Not distract and busy ourselves. Not ignore the needs of our heart and cast aside the state of our soul. No, we can actually calm and quiet ourselves, even when circumstances go south really fast. We can be as content as a baby at his momma’s breast. We do this by slowing down and looking up. We do this by simply being with God.

This is a short excerpt from the raw manuscript of my fourth book. I am still working on a title. The book releases Summer 2014.


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FOMO -The Fear of Missing Out

Ten minutes into our requested breakfast meeting, I regretted having said yes. The young man who had asked for the get-together—he needed some pastoral coaching, evidently—was sitting across from me at the diner, and now, there at the restaurant, with my full attention pointed his way, he had the gall to check his smart phone what seemed like every sixteen seconds. He checked it while I was ordering my meal, he checked it just after he ordered his meal, he checked it while I answered his questions, and he even checked it while he asked them. Unless the guy was waiting on word of an organ transplant—which I quickly learned he wasn’t—his lack of focus was totally unacceptable.

The world of psychology has a term for this annoying phenomenon of neglecting to pay attention to the person or situation immediately in front of you, choosing instead to see who else is doing something interesting or what else is going on. “FOMO,” it is called, otherwise known as the fear of missing out. FOMO is what causes us to “text while driving … interrupt one call to take another … and check [our] Twitter stream while on a date [or at a breakfast meeting with our pastor].” In short, we do these infuriating things because “something more entertaining just might be happening.”

I’m convinced that some of us could experience a visit from Jesus himself—live and in the flesh—and yet still we’d brazenly stick an index finger in the air and say, “Hang on, Jesus. Let me just check my Facebook wall real quick.”

There is an underlying fear motivating all this craziness; we don’t just want to be “in” on other people’s excitement, but we want them to find us exciting too. We want to be seen and heard and recognized and admired; we so desperately want someone to care. But what’s interesting is that when we shout along with hundreds of millions of others who are shouting, still we cannot be heard; our voice is simply lost in the others’ me-focused cacophony of sound.

After having considered the pace Jesus lived by, I arrive at an early conclusion: Jesus didn’t know FOMO very well. Actually, I don’t think he knew it at all. What concerned him was not being included on all the right lists, being retweeted by all the right handles, being known by all the right names. What concerned him was being hidden away in the character of his Father, and from there living life at peace.

John 15 contains a fascinating metaphor along these lines. Jesus is talking here to his disciples and explains his relationship to them in agricultural terms. “I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer,” he says. “He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken” (vv. 1-3).

He then goes on to say exactly how this fruit-bearing is going to occur: “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me” (v. 4).

So, it’s not that we are expected to live the Jesus Pace alone; he is the one who will get us there. He is the band leader in our quest for a rhythmic life.

“I am the Vine,” the passage continues, “you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples” (vv. 5-8).

As it relates to our present-day plague of FOMO, here is what I think Jesus is saying in these verses from John 15: “You’re only missing out if you’re missing out on me.”

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Leadership Under Pressure

“What you have heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you – guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.” 2 Timothy 1:13-14 (A letter from his mentor Paul)

When a leader feels pressure and has to make a decision, there is little or no time to decide on core convictions in that moment. So, the leader makes the call based on the convictions he has already established. That can be good or bad, depending on who has primarily influenced them. If they have had healthy mentors, the chances of a healthy decision are greatly improved. If they have had flawed influence, the opposite can be true.

Peacetime is the best time to establish core values and convictions. The best sailors prepare their boats for storms while in the harbor, not in the gales of hurricanes. In fact, most boats sink because there was little preparation before the storm, even though the sailors knew full well that storms were coming.

Leaders know there are times of calm and times of chaos. I have experienced both while serving my congregation here at New Life Church. Just 100 days after I arrived as pastor, in December 2007, we were attacked by a young man with gun and two of our young girls were killed in the parking lot after our Sunday gatherings. That was no time to decide on my core values and convictions.

Instead, what I had been taught rose to the surface and shaped my decisions. Only later did I realize how much I appreciated the sound leadership wisdom I had received in the years before from men like Robert Morris, Jimmy Evans, and Tom Lane. I had no choice at that moment but to lean upon what I had already learned from them. I share a lot of these learned life lessons in my book Sons and Daughters if you want to read more.

Since that fateful Sunday, I have become a student of leaders under pressure. Almost always, they make decisions under pressure based upon the influencers who most defined them. Sometimes that is great and sometimes that is disaster.

The seas are calm at New Life today and I am grateful. This is the time for me to learn from healthy leaders, to grow, and to mature. I presume other storms will arrive, along with the pressure to make critical decisions. My prayer for all of us is that we make those decisions under the influence of the Holy Spirit and from the wisdom and health of the leaders God has sent us along the way.

Questions for us to consider:

Who are we learning from right now?

Are they healthy leaders? Is their home and marriage healthy? Is their walk with Christ healthy?

Have their leadership convictions stood the test of storms?

What are our core values? Will these values survive the inevitable trials of life?

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The Ministry of Generosity

“In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people.” 2 Corinthians 8:2-4

The local church is at its best when it is generous to others in tough times. Paul was bragging in the above text about the Macedonians, who even though poor, were excited about an opportunity to be generous to another congregation that was in peril.

Recently, the most destructive wildfire in the history of Colorado swept through the Black Forest area of our community, leveling over 500 homes and killing two people. Over 20 families in our congregation lost almost everything in the blazes, many left with only a few belongings and the clothes they were wearing.

Immediately our community rallied with food, shelter, and boarding for the displaced. This past week, our ministry team visited those affected in the congregation and hand delivered some monies that had been given. The stories that came from these meetings reminded me of this scripture. No one expected the gift that was given but they sure were thankful. For some, the money will help them get back home quicker and for others it will help ease the pain of recovery.

For centuries, Christ followers have been generous givers, both with their money and their time. This scripture also gives us a better definition of generosity. Often we think only large gifts are generous, when that is not the case. Generosity is the grace to give sacrificially no matter the amount. Generosity is an attitude that compels us to help, to bless others with whatever is in our hands at the moment.

Generous people are a reflection of our God, who is a generous giver, bountiful with all that He has. I am grateful to lead a generous congregation that has discovered once again the joy of giving as much as we are able in times of very real trials.

Because of the size and scope of the wildfires, the needs in our community will continue for some time. If you want to participate in giving to those in need, click on the “Black Forest” banner at the top of our our website.

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Black Forest Fire – How Can We Help?

This past week, we watched helplessly here in Colorado as a massive wildfire swept through our community, devastating over 500 homes, killing two people and scorching thousands of acres. Our local, county, state and federal governments immediately launched an attack on this vicious blaze.

Evacuations were ordered and an organized exit from heavily populated neighborhoods ensued. Roadblocks were manned by local sheriff’s deputies and firefighters from municipalities across our region rallied together.


Every day, our sheriff, local and federal fire officials, and county commissioners demonstrated amazing discipline and trustworthy leadership.


New Life has been able to help by assisting the Red Cross as a shelter in the initial hours. Our volunteers and staff have been all over the region offering assistance to evacuees and to those who tragically lost their homes. All of our efforts will continue in the months ahead as people in our community are rebuilding their lives.


Hundreds of people who are grieving for those who have lost their homes have asked us how they can help. While much of our work will begin once the burn area is open for remediation, there are several opportunities for immediate assistance. Here are a few:


Disaster Assistance Relief Center is the primary center for most services offered to those affected by the Black Forest Fire. If you have a specific skill or service you want to offer, email and the Center will do their best to connect you with actual needs that your service may help meet. Services may include helping to navigate insurance, truck/tractor use, greeting evacuees at the center, helping field calls, among other things. Email to volunteer or offer a service to the Center.


Black Forest Animal Sanctuary needs help organizing donations, cleaning up from the fire, doing repairs, and bringing their own animals back, as well as additional shelter set-up help. They are also in need of hay. If you d like to donate, call 719-494-3934. To volunteer, ask for Tracy.


Tri-Lakes Cares is a great organization that has been extremely helpful to fire fighters, evacuees, and those affected by the fire. Not only has the fire affected many of their regular volunteers, but their hours have also expanded to meet needs resulting from the disaster. They are in need of volunteers for shifts to help sort and process donations, to distribute food and clothing, and help get items to firefighters and families affected, as well as other areas. Call 481-4864 ext 117 to volunteer.


You may drop off food and bring gift cards and/or money to the front desk at New Life Church from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and during services on Sunday. For the next two Sundays, bring donations to the Black Forest Fire Relief Table located in the lobby. A list of preferred food items can be found in the lobby at NLC. Checks should be made out to New Life Church with “Black Forest Fire” written in the memo line. You can also give online at For those giving gift cards, suggested stores include Target, Wal-Mart, King Soopers, Lowes, Home Depot, as well as gas stations, restaurants, clothing stores, etc.


Please continue to pray for all of those affected.

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Good Government from God

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13:1, 6-7

There are few topics that cause more heated vitriol than the role of elected government in the ordinary lives of Americans. Right now, our federal government is being accused of listening to our phone calls, bullying from the IRS and killing kittens. Ok, so kittens are safe for now, but our trust for government in general seems to be plummeting with each accusation.

The passage above from the book of Romans was written to the Christ followers living in Rome, the very center of oppressive government at the time. In the face of suffocating taxes and a military that was bent on violent, world domination, the writer of Romans reminds us that sound government has a role from God in our lives. We certainly can be skeptical of government, but let’s not dismiss the valid role government can play in our lives when motives are pure.

This past week, we watched helplessly here in Colorado as a massive wildfire swept through our community, devastating over 500 homes, killing two people and scorching thousands of acres. Our local, county, state and federal governments immediately launched an attack on this vicious blaze. Evacuations were ordered and an organized exit from heavily populated neighborhoods ensued. Roadblocks were manned by local sheriff’s deputies and firefighters from municipalities across our region rallied together.

Every day, our sheriff, local and federal fire officials, and county commissioners demonstrated amazing discipline and trustworthy leadership. It was government of the people, by the people, for the people. I pray, as President Lincoln eloquently stated at Gettysburg, that it never perishes from the earth.

We can continue to debate the necessary size and role of government, plus the needed balance between personal freedoms and national security, but let us not become so cynical of all government that we cannot appreciate its goodness when our homes and maybe our lives are being saved.

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Let Her Lead

The following is a quick excerpt from my newest e-book, Let Her Lead, which just released. These few paragraphs explain why I tackled such an important topic.

Callie is twelve years old now, almost thirteen, making the ridiculously quick hop between girlhood and womanhood right before my eyes. Boys ease into puberty the way winter gives way to spring, as evidenced by my son, Abram, now fourteen. It’s subtle. It’s slow. It happens in fits and starts, flying under the radar most times. But girls? One day they’re a mishmash of giggles, pigtails and pink swim floaties, and the next day they’re full-on woman, see them flourish, hear them roar.

This transition has got me thinking not only about the twelve-year-old “woman” who now resides in my abode—and at five-foot-seven, Callie’s frame, at least, is precisely that—but also about the world she will inhabit once she enters adulthood for real. What kind of interests will she hope to pursue? What kind of friends will she choose to have? What kind of bosses will she wind up working for? What kind of people might she lead? What kind of faith community will surround her? What kind of man will she marry? (That last question leaves me blank. My daughter still wants nothing to do with the opposite sex, which is totally fine by me.)

But to my point: Given all the promise and potential awaiting Callie, how do I help prepare her for her future? And how do I prepare that future for her?

These are the central questions banging around my brain as I sit down to write this brief book. We’re going to have a conversation about a topic—women in leadership—that is touchy for many people, especially church people, but I’m not trying to be provocative here. I’m not trying to pick a fight. I actually want to defuse this topic that has been infused with such vitriol along the way by simply revisiting a few themes that have been sidelining women far too long.

But I also want to begin by admitting that, as a dad, I cringe at the thought that in ten or twenty or thirty years, my bright, capable daughter could have doors slammed in her face for the simple fact that she happens not to be male. If she is cut out to be a corporate CEO, then I hope she’ll be hired. If she is cut out to be President of the United States—perhaps even the first female one, if Hillary doesn’t get there first—then I hope she’ll be elected. If she is cut out to be a professor or a lawyer or an engineer or a horse trainer, then I hope she’ll be chosen there too.

And if she is cut out to lead within the church, then I hope she’ll be invited to lead.

If I were to boil down my desires, dreams, assumptions, and plans for the type of world that will embrace my daughter, they’d fit into two simple manifestos: Let her be her. And let her be heard.

This isn’t just my vision for the world ten or twenty years from now, when Callie is a bona fide adult. It is my vision today, here, in our present culture. There are 30- and 40- and 50-year-old women who want to engage in leadership now. What I want for Callie is the same thing I want for them: to be seen and heard, acknowledged and valued, loved well and led well…and learned from by both women and men.

What others are saying about Let Her Lead:

I am really glad that my friend Brady Boyd decided to write this book! So many books that deal with controversial topics try to score points or win a debate, but that isn’t what Brady does here. He simply wants to see what the Bible says about women in leadership. He deals with this very sensitive issue with understanding and love. What he finds is so encouraging; this is a book that everyone should read.  Greg Surratt, Lead Pastor Seacoast Church; Author of Ir-Rev-Rend

I am so gratified to know my friend, Brady Boyd, is standing with those in the larger Church community who see “women in ministry leadership” as timelessly intended by God, and thus, wholly consistent the Holy Scriptures—both Old and New Testament!  I urge leaders and other workers in today’s Church to read, be nourished hereby, and join in seeing the whole Body of Christ activated for ministry at whatever level of gifting or leadership the Holy Spirit has confirmed to be present by mature elders in their congregation and network. Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor, The King’s University—Dallas/Los Angeles

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