When we’re wrestling with temptation it can feel like we’re the only one who struggles to live right in a world that’s so often wrong. In fact, temptation is a universal experience, something everyone faces. Whether tempted toward money, power, sex, or something else altogether, no temptation is new, and all temptation is the distortion of a desire, or wanting right things wrongly—now. It’s a distraction from the goodness and glory of God.

Whenever you’re tempted, know that the enemy of your soul, Satan, hopes that you’ll take the bait and fall into outright sin. But as the apostle Paul reminds us, we can follow a different path.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul looks to the history of the Israelites to illustrate the dangers of temptation. Despite witnessing God’s miracles, the Israelites fell into idolatry and immorality. This serves as a warning that we, too, are susceptible to the same pitfalls if we are not vigilant.

History is a valuable teacher in that as we study the past, we can avoid repeating the same mistakes.

So, how do we remain vigilant against Satan’s schemes?

First, remember that you are most prone to temptation when you are tired, hungry, isolated, and emotionally wounded—such as when you’ve been slandered or when you’re sought reconciliation with someone who just doesn’t want to reconcile. Being aware of these vulnerable moments can help you take proactive steps to avoid allowing temptation to have its way in your life.

Second, remember that God is faithful and will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. This is such a critical reality to keep in mind: When you are faced with temptation, you always have the option of submitting yourself to God and resisting the devil. By doing so, the devil, Scripture promises, will flee.

We see this turn of events in the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness just after he was baptized into his earthly ministry. When Satan tempted Jesus, hoping Jesus would then fall into sin, Jesus countered all three attempts with nothing but the Word of God. We can follow this example by knowing and looking to Scripture to combat the enemy’s lies.

Listen, we have a High Priest in Jesus who sympathizes with our weaknesses. He knows we’re not going to get it right every time! So, when you do find yourself tempted to pursue a distortion of something that’s godly and good, just stop for a second. Turn toward your heavenly Father. Approach his throne with confidence, knowing that you will receive mercy and find grace in your time of need—not just occasionally, but every single time.

This week, I hope you’ll make a conscious effort to recognize your vulnerable moments and seek God’s help in those times. Use Scripture to strengthen your resolve as you work to resist the enemy. Remember, you are not alone in this battle! Jesus has already secured the victory for you.

I love being your pastor,


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