In today’s world where humility is rarely celebrated or discussed, understanding biblical humility is more important than ever. True humility is a trademark characteristic of authentic followers of Jesus Christ, and it’s something you and I both can cultivate.
I always remind people who want to live surrendered to the authority of Jesus Christ that biblical humility is not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking about ourselves less. It’s recognizing that we are more valuable than we think, but probably less important than we believe.
True humility when played out in everyday life means allowing God to pick your seat rather than choosing it yourself. It means trusting God even when you can’t see the outcome. It means putting others first because you believe there’s enough for everyone. (And there is enough for everyone.) It means understanding that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. He wants to bless you as you surrender your life to him. Why? Because true humility naturally leads to God’s favor.
In Luke 14, Jesus teaches about humility through a parable about a wedding feast, emphasizing that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. We want to be in that latter group!
This week, I hope you’ll follow the example of Jesus, the humblest person ever to walk the earth. Think of it: he left heaven’s glory to become human. Then, being both fully God and fully human, he embraced our broken humanity and died on the cross for our salvation. He emptied himself for us to model how we might empty ourselves for each other.
If you want to follow Jesus with full devotion, consider walking through these critical steps:
- Pray to God, asking him to round out any rough edges of pride that exist in your mind or heart.
- Evaluate your heart by asking, Am I trying to promote myself, or am I fully trusting God’s will, God’s timing, and the circumstances God is allowing into my life?
- Practice humility in daily interactions. Rather than seeking recognition for what you’ve said or done, look for ways to recognize, elevate, and serve other.
Remember: You and I both will eventually be humbled. We can choose to humble ourselves before God, or circumstances will humble us. Choose the path of voluntary humility and trust in God’s plan for your life.
I love being your pastor—