The story of Moses teaches us powerful lessons about God’s presence, protection, and purpose in our lives. Through examining key moments in Moses’ journey, we discover timeless truths about how God works in and through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
Let me start here: From the beginning of Moses’ story, women played crucial roles as defenders of life and agents of God’s plan. Think of it: The Hebrew midwives valiantly defied Pharaoh’s orders to kill male babies. Moses’ mother and sister bravely orchestrated his rescue in a manner that could have gotten them killed. Another woman, Pharaoh’s daughter, saved and adopted Moses as her own. We see demonstrated in these accounts how God often works through those society considers “less than” to accomplish his good purposes.
That’s good news!
It’s good news for those of us who tend to feel like we are more of a liability than an asset in so many aspects of life, and it’s good news for those in our society who have been more overtly cast aside. God loves you. He loves me. He is committed to growing us up. And he’s eager to working through us every step of the way.
We also see in Moses’ story the truth that every life has infinite worth to God. Men matter to God. Women matter to God. And even in cultures where they are treated poorly, babies matter deeply to God. The Hebrew midwives risked their lives to save babies. Moses’ mother refused to let her son die. God orchestrated an elaborate rescue plan to save one baby, and one baby, alone. No, there are no “throwaway” lives in God’s kingdom. Every person bears his image and has inherent dignity and value.
I tell you all that by way of context: against the backdrop of all this evidence that people matter to God, we find one man coming into God’s stunning presence courtesy of a bush aflame that was not burned up. Moses was enduring a wilderness season in his life when God revealed himself personally to Moses, but that wilderness became holy ground when Moses chose to engage.
The same is true for us: Our wilderness seasons, though often ridiculously difficult and confusing, can become places of divine encounter when we remain open to who God is and to what God hopes to do in and through our lives. Above all else, Moses learned the lesson that you and I can catch today: God’s presence is essential, if we hope to do anything effective in life.
Moses refused to move forward without the presence of God accompanying him. Not a bad approach to life.
This week, take a few minutes to consider:
In which aspect(s) of life are you experiencing a “wilderness” season? Relationally? Spiritually? Financially? Occupationally? Something else?
How aware are you of God’s presence in your daily life?
What distinguishes you as a follower of Christ?
Set aside dedicated time each day this week to simply be in God’s presence. Don’t ask for anything. Just be still and acknowledge his presence there with you. Ask him to make himself known to you. Listen for his still, small voice. Rest in his goodness, his grace. And live differently, as a result.
I love being your pastor—
Pastor Brady