Overcoming Fear: Lessons from David and Goliath

When we’re staring down overwhelming challenges, fear has a way of creeping in and taking over. It whispers doubts, feeds insecurities, and paralyzes us from moving forward, which is exactly what happened to the Israelites when they saw Goliath. They forgot how faithful God had been in their past, and in doing so, they lost sight of what he could do in their present.

But then David stepped onto the battlefield—not with fear, but with faith. It’s a story that teaches us what it looks like to face our own giants with courage.

David’s response to Goliath shows us three key principles for overcoming fear that I hope you’ll meditate on this week:

First, we must remember the stories of yesterday. When David stood before Goliath, he didn’t focus on the size of the giant—he focused on the faithfulness of God. He remembered the moments when God had helped him defeat lions and bears while shepherding. Those past victories strengthened his confidence for the battle ahead.

The same is true for us.

When fear tries to take hold, we need to look back and recall all the times God has carried us through. His faithfulness before is a reminder that he will be faithful again.

Second, we need to be ourselves. When Saul tried to put his own armor on David, David quickly realized it wasn’t meant for him. He knew that to fight effectively, he had to step into battle as the person God created him to be!

How often do we try to tackle challenges by imitating someone else, thinking we need to be different than who God made us? But the truth is, God has uniquely equipped each of us for the battles we face. We don’t have to pretend to be anyone else. We just need to walk forward in the confidence that who we are is enough in God’s hands.

Finally, we must remember that the battle belongs to God. This is so key: David didn’t rely on his own strength—he stepped forward “in the name of the Lord Almighty.” He knew this fight wasn’t just about him; it was God’s fight. Too often, we either take on battles that were never meant for us or we try to fight them alone. Neither approach leads to victory. Instead, we’re called to surrender our fears and struggles to God, trusting that he is already working on our behalf.

So, what does all this mean for us today? The “Goliaths” in our lives may not be a literal giant on a battlefield, but they still loom large. Fear shows up in so many ways—through health challenges, relationship struggles, financial burdens, or career uncertainties. You probably have a few Goliaths stomping around right now, giants who whisper that you’re not strong enough, not equipped enough, not good enough. But you don’t have to shrink back in fear. You can step forward with faith, knowing that God goes before us.

Take time this week to identify your own “Goliath.” What fear or challenge is standing in front of you? Then, take these steps to move forward with faith:

  • Write down moments when God has been faithful in your past. Let those reminders strengthen your confidence for today.
  • Face your challenge as the person God created you to be. Don’t try to wear someone else’s armor—walk forward in the gifts, strengths, and identity he’s given you.
  • Invite God into the fight. Through prayer, surrender the battle to him and trust that he is working on your behalf.

And as you do this, reflect on these questions:

  • What battle am I trying to fight without God’s help?
  • Am I being authentic, or am I trying to be someone I’m not?
  • What past victories can I remember to build my faith?

Here’s the beautiful thing: courage is contagious. When you step forward in faith, you give others the strength to do the same. So today, let’s be people who trust God, stand firm in who he’s created us to be, and walk into every battle knowing that the victory belongs to him.

I love being your pastor—


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From Messy Beginnings to Miraculous Endings

If you’ve ever felt like your life was a bit of a mess, like your story had more false starts and failures than you care to admit, then you’re in good company. The Bible is full of people who started in the pit but ended in the palace, and Joseph’s story might be the most compelling of them all. His journey—from favored son to slave, prisoner to prime minister—reminds us that God can take our messiest beginnings and turn them into miraculous endings.

Joseph was just seventeen when God gave him dreams of greatness. But instead of treasuring those promises, he blurted them out to his brothers in a way that only stoked their jealousy. And it’s no wonder—who wants to hear their younger sibling brag about how one day they’ll bow down to him? Joseph had the right promise but the wrong approach. Immaturity often causes us to mishandle the very things God has entrusted to us.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, provides a striking contrast. When she received an earth-shattering promise from God—that she would bear the Son of God—she didn’t run around announcing it. Instead, Scripture tells us that she “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Sometimes, the best response to God’s promises is not to proclaim but to ponder.

Many of us have heard God whisper dreams into our hearts. Maybe it’s a calling, a purpose, a direction. But before we run ahead, Joseph’s story teaches us a crucial lesson: wisdom and maturity matter. Just because God gives us a glimpse of the future doesn’t mean we are ready for it yet. The dreams are real, but so is the process of preparation. And that process is often long, winding, and—if we’re honest—a little painful.

Years after Joseph’s youthful missteps, we find him in a new season of testing—one of intense temptation. Sold into slavery and working in the house of an Egyptian official named Potiphar, Joseph caught the eye of Potiphar’s wife. Day after day, she tried to seduce him. And day after day, Joseph said no.

This wasn’t just about personal integrity; Joseph saw sin for what it really was—an offense against both man and God. He didn’t flirt with the temptation, didn’t rationalize it, didn’t try to see how close he could get without falling. Instead, he ran. Literally.

The Bible doesn’t tell us to stand our ground against sexual temptation. It tells us to flee—as in, get out of there, fast. Some battles aren’t meant to be fought; they’re meant to be escaped.

It makes me wonder: What’s the temptation in your life that you’ve been trying to “manage” when God is telling you to run? What situation, habit, or relationship is pulling you away from God’s best for you? The time to create distance isn’t after you’ve fallen—it’s now.

By the time Joseph reached thirty, he had been humbled, tested, and refined. He had spent years as a prisoner before suddenly being elevated to the second most powerful position in Egypt. And in that moment, he faced a new challenge: how would he use his influence? Would he seek revenge? Would he finally make his brothers pay for what they did?

Joseph chose something different. He used his power to save, not to settle scores. He managed Egypt’s resources wisely during a famine, ensuring that countless people—including his own family—were spared from starvation. He forgave the very brothers who had sold him into slavery, saying, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

This is what godly leadership looks like. Influence is never for our own gain. It’s a tool to serve, bless, and rescue others. Whether you’re leading a family, a team, a business, or a ministry, the question remains: are you using your influence to build yourself up or to lift others?

Joseph’s story is an invitation to reflect on our own lives. How are we handling God’s promises? Are we stewarding them with humility, or rushing ahead in arrogance? Are we resisting temptation, or entertaining it? And are we using our influence to bring healing and hope, or to settle personal scores?

Think about how you’d answer these questions this week. Ask God to search your heart.

God is always at work in the messy middle of our stories. You may not see the ending yet, but take heart—Joseph didn’t either when he was sitting in that prison cell. The same God who took a boastful teenager and shaped him into a wise leader is the God who is shaping you. Keep trusting. Keep growing. The ending will be worth it.

I love being your pastor—



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Finding God in Every Season

The story of Moses teaches us powerful lessons about God’s presence, protection, and purpose in our lives. Through examining key moments in Moses’ journey, we discover timeless truths about how God works in and through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.

Let me start here: From the beginning of Moses’ story, women played crucial roles as defenders of life and agents of God’s plan. Think of it: The Hebrew midwives valiantly defied Pharaoh’s orders to kill male babies. Moses’ mother and sister bravely orchestrated his rescue in a manner that could have gotten them killed. Another woman, Pharaoh’s daughter, saved and adopted Moses as her own. We see demonstrated in these accounts how God often works through those society considers “less than” to accomplish his good purposes.

That’s good news!

It’s good news for those of us who tend to feel like we are more of a liability than an asset in so many aspects of life, and it’s good news for those in our society who have been more overtly cast aside. God loves you. He loves me. He is committed to growing us up. And he’s eager to working through us every step of the way.

We also see in Moses’ story the truth that every life has infinite worth to God. Men matter to God. Women matter to God. And even in cultures where they are treated poorly, babies matter deeply to God.  The Hebrew midwives risked their lives to save babies. Moses’ mother refused to let her son die. God orchestrated an elaborate rescue plan to save one baby, and one baby, alone. No, there are no “throwaway” lives in God’s kingdom. Every person bears his image and has inherent dignity and value.

I tell you all that by way of context: against the backdrop of all this evidence that people matter to God, we find one man coming into God’s stunning presence courtesy of a bush aflame that was not burned up. Moses was enduring a wilderness season in his life when God revealed himself personally to Moses, but that wilderness became holy ground when Moses chose to engage.

The same is true for us: Our wilderness seasons, though often ridiculously difficult and confusing, can become places of divine encounter when we remain open to who God is and to what God hopes to do in and through our lives. Above all else, Moses learned the lesson that you and I can catch today: God’s presence is essential, if we hope to do anything effective in life.

Moses refused to move forward without the presence of God accompanying him. Not a bad approach to life.

This week, take a few minutes to consider:

In which aspect(s) of life are you experiencing a “wilderness” season? Relationally? Spiritually? Financially? Occupationally? Something else?

How aware are you of God’s presence in your daily life?

What distinguishes you as a follower of Christ?

Set aside dedicated time each day this week to simply be in God’s presence. Don’t ask for anything. Just be still and acknowledge his presence there with you. Ask him to make himself known to you. Listen for his still, small voice. Rest in his goodness, his grace. And live differently, as a result.

I love being your pastor—

Pastor Brady

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Clothe Yourselves with Humility

In today’s world where humility is rarely celebrated or discussed, understanding biblical humility is more important than ever. True humility is a trademark characteristic of authentic followers of Jesus Christ, and it’s something you and I both can cultivate.

I always remind people who want to live surrendered to the authority of Jesus Christ that biblical humility is not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking about ourselves less. It’s recognizing that we are more valuable than we think, but probably less important than we believe.

True humility when played out in everyday life means allowing God to pick your seat rather than choosing it yourself. It means trusting God even when you can’t see the outcome. It means putting others first because you believe there’s enough for everyone. (And there is enough for everyone.) It means understanding that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. He wants to bless you as you surrender your life to him. Why? Because true humility naturally leads to God’s favor.

In Luke 14, Jesus teaches about humility through a parable about a wedding feast, emphasizing that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. We want to be in that latter group!

This week, I hope you’ll follow the example of Jesus, the humblest person ever to walk the earth. Think of it: he left heaven’s glory to become human. Then, being both fully God and fully human, he embraced our broken humanity and died on the cross for our salvation. He emptied himself for us to model how we might empty ourselves for each other.

If you want to follow Jesus with full devotion, consider walking through these critical steps:

  1. Pray to God, asking him to round out any rough edges of pride that exist in your mind or heart.
  2. Evaluate your heart by asking, Am I trying to promote myself, or am I fully trusting God’s will, God’s timing, and the circumstances God is allowing into my life?
  3. Practice humility in daily interactions. Rather than seeking recognition for what you’ve said or done, look for ways to recognize, elevate, and serve other.

Remember: You and I both will eventually be humbled. We can choose to humble ourselves before God, or circumstances will humble us. Choose the path of voluntary humility and trust in God’s plan for your life.

I love being your pastor—


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The Power of Hospitality

In a world marked by division and hostility, the early Christian church transformed society and expanded from 1,000 believers in AD 40 to more than 32 million just three hundred years later through three powerful practices: the performing of healing miracles, earnestly caring for those who were poor and vulnerable, and extending radical hospitality across social barriers, principles that can revolutionize our communities still today.

True biblical hospitality goes beyond simply hanging out with friends. There’s purpose to it. There’s intention to it. There’s an outcome we hope to achieve. As this New Year gets underway, think about people you’ll be crossing paths with at work, at church, and as you go about your daily life. Who is always on the margins, wishing someone would reach out to them? How might you welcome them warmly? How might you make them feel comfortable in your presence instead of judged? How might you come to each conversation eager to turn the topic back to them as often as possible instead of excessively talking about yourself?

Remember that even a simple word of encouragement or act of kindness can have a profound effect. Think of the impact of these straightforward steps:

  • You meet someone at church who is sitting alone. Instead of greeting her and heading to your seat, you ask, “Would you like to come sit with me?”
  • You find yourself in line at the store, standing behind someone who can’t pay for his groceries. Instead of being annoyed that he’s taking too long, you take a step toward him and quietly say, “Can I cover this for you? It would be my honor.”
  • You see someone at work who is kind of known as a loner. Instead of breezing past, you say, “My family and I are just hanging out tonight, playing games and ordering pizza. Want to join us?”

In Romans 12, the apostle Paul offers clear guidance regarding our mandate as followers of Jesus. We are to be devoted to each other in a posture of love. We are to honor others above ourselves. We are to share with those in need. And we are to practice hospitality as a spiritual disciple, no less than an act of worship.

The power to transform our communities lies not in complex programs but in simple acts of genuine hospitality, care for others, and prayer. Be encouraged this week, remembering that as you practice biblical hospitality, you are by definition glorifying God.

I love being your pastor—


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While Waiting on God

The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, as recounted in Luke 1, teaches us about the importance of faithfulness while waiting on God. Despite their advanced age and Elizabeth’s barrenness, this couple continued to serve God faithfully. I love this story because it always reminds me of two critical realities in the Christ-following life: first, God hears our prayers. Isn’t that great news?

He hears us.

He leans in to absorb every word.

Second, there’s this: God answers those prayers in his perfect timing.  

The angel Gabriel plays a significant role in the Christmas narrative, delivering messages from God to both Zechariah and Mary. These angelic visits highlight the divine orchestration behind the events leading to Jesus’ birth. Gabriel’s interactions with these key figures underscore the importance of their roles in God’s redemptive plan. Think about it: Zechariah’s encounter with the angel Gabriel reassures us that our prayers are heard and God’s promises are sure. And Mary’s response to the angel’s announcement is a powerful example of trust and obedience. Despite the potential for shame and misunderstanding, Mary accepted God’s plan with humility and faith. Her willingness to be used by God, despite the personal cost, challenges us to trust God’s purposes for our lives, even when they seem daunting or unclear.

If you’re dealing with one of those daunting or unclear occasions, know this: God sees you and cares deeply for you. He is working in you, through you, and on your behalf. Stay faithful to his will and his ways. See if he doesn’t amaze you with his perfect plan. Here are some practical steps to take in deepening your faith while you wait on God to move:

1. Keep serving. Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, continue to serve God faithfully, even when there are more questions than answers in your life.

2. Trust and obey. Follow Mary’s example of trust and obedience. Be willing to accept God’s plans for your life, even when they are challenging or unclear. Trust that his purposes are for your good and his glory.

3. Seek beauty and wonder: Ask God to open your eyes to the beauty and wonder around you. Look for signs of his presence and goodness in your daily life. This practice can help you maintain a joyful heart, even in difficult times.

As you go through this week, challenge yourself to walk not by sight but by faith, trusting that God is with you and working in your life.

I love being your pastor!


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A Generous People

Generosity is a core principle of what it means to follow Jesus, and when we practice generosity, we reflect both our gratitude for God’s blessings in our life and our trust in his ongoing provision.

Proverbs 3:9-10 encourages us to honor the Lord with our wealth, promising that our barns will be “filled to overflowing.” And the kind of “wealth” referred to here isn’t just about money, but about every resource God entrusts to us: our time, our talents, our spiritual gifts, and more. This means that any time we invest ourselves in helping relieve another person’s burden, we’re making a God-honoring choice.

So, how can we make the practice of generosity a more frequent part of our lives? Let me give you three straightforward places to start.

Trust God

Giving is never just about money; it’s about trust. When we offer God our first and best, we’re making a bold declaration: God, I trust you to take care of me. That kind of trust changes us! It draws us closer to the heart of our Father and reminds us that he is always faithful to provide.

Generosity isn’t something God needs from us—it’s something he wants for us. When we hold tightly to what we have, fear and scarcity can take root, but when we trust him with open hands, our faith grows, and our hearts start to align with his purposes.

This week, ask yourself: Am I giving God my best, or just what’s left over?

Trust him with the first and best of your resources, and watch how he meets your needs in sometimes surprising ways. Let this kind of generosity deepen your walk with him.

Plan Your Giving

In 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, Paul gives us a simple yet powerful instruction: plan your giving. Setting aside a portion of our income regularly isn’t just practical—it’s a spiritual discipline connected to right living that ensures our generosity is intentional and not an afterthought. This habit helps us prioritize what matters most: God’s kingdom work.

When we give with consistency, we’re reminded that generosity isn’t tied to how much we have in the moment but to the faithfulness of God who provides. Planned giving also shapes our hearts, teaching us to live with an open-handed trust that honors God and blesses others.

Take a moment this week to reflect: Is my giving intentional or sporadic? What might need to change in my life for generosity to become my regular rhythm of worship?

Plan your giving for this next week, month, or season, and watch how God uses it to grow his kingdom—and in the process, grow your faith.

Sticking to Your Plan

In 1 Corinthians 16:3-4, Paul emphasizes the importance of accountability when it comes to handling church finances, an exhortation we can apply to personal finances, too. He knew that trust is a cornerstone of healthy community, and transparency in giving builds that trust.

When we follow a consistent plan for generosity, it becomes a habit that reflects God’s character—faithful, dependable, and good, and the best way to make that plan stick over the long haul is by soliciting accountability. Take time this week to examine your giving. Assuming you’re now open to following a thoughtful plan, think through how you’ll stay accountable to that plan. Which trusted friend or loved one can you make aware of the high points of your financial plan so that you’re sure to stick to it over time?

The Impact of Generosity

Generosity is a real bridge-builder. When you offer a word of encouragement, a heartfelt prayer, or a material resource to someone, you pave a path of connection between you and him or her. The ultimate example of this, of course, is seen in the life of Jesus, who left heaven to come to earth in human form. By offering that generous gift, he extended a point of connection to you and me that we could never, ever afford.

As we celebrate the second week of Advent this week, let’s remember that we are called to create space for Christ’s peace to dwell within us. And we are called to emulate him as we give generously to a world in need.

I love being your pastor—


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Understanding the Gift of Prophecy

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the gift of prophecy stands as a beacon of hope, strength, and encouragement. We need this ray of light! Maybe now more than ever.

Acts 2:16-18 highlights the prophecy from the book of Joel, emphasizing that in the last days, God will pour out his Spirit on all people. This outpouring will enable sons and daughters to prophesy, young men to see visions, and old men to dream dreams, all of which underscores  the inclusivity and power of the Holy Spirit, who always breaks down the social and gender barriers we tend to construct.

In1 Corinthians 14:1-3, we learn that prophecy is meant for the strengthening, encouragement, and comfort of believers. That’s all it is, a straightforward means for building people up, providing guidance and offering reassurance in times of need.

Over the years, as I’ve trained people to sharpen this spiritual gift, I’ve reminded them that we should always authenticate “words from God” before we articulate them. First Thessalonians 5:19-21 advises believers not to treat prophecies with contempt but to test everything and hold on to what is good, which involves aligning prophetic words with Scripture and seeking confirmation from trusted, wise friends.

And here’s another tip: In 1 Corinthians 13, often referred to as the “Love Chapter,” we’re reminded that all spiritual gifts, including prophecy, should be exercised with love. Love is the language of the gospel—that’s a good way to think about it. Which means it’s the foundation of all ministry.

As you seek to exercise the gift of prophecy as you engage in conversation with others,  here are three questions to consider:

1. What can I say that would help this person keep going?

2. What has God spoken to this person that I can confirm?

3. What pain has this person they experienced that God longs to comfort?

Prophecy is not just inspirational; it is miraculous. It involves hearing from God and having the courage to share his message with others, which can lead to profound moments of revelation and transformation. This week, challenge yourself to be open to the gift of prophecy. Pray for eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to understand, and a heart to believe. Seek opportunities to speak words of strength, encouragement, and comfort to those around you.

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On Desiring Faith

One of our three core tenets around New Life is worship, and one of the primary reasons we think worship is such a big deal is that when we offer sacrifices of praise to God, our perspective shifts, our hearts expand, and our spirits lift. As it relates to the prevalence of anxiety and fear in our lives these days, what this means is that as we choose to take our eyes off of our fearsome circumstances and fix our gaze on God instead, praise becomes a weapon in our hands that silences the enemy and interrupts his schemes. Walls fall as we praise God. Giants are divinely slain.

In this way praise isn’t just an act of worship; it’s a heartfelt declaration of faith. When we sing and praise God, especially in difficult times, we are reminded of his presence and power. In turn, this act of worship strengthens our faith and helps us focus on God’s promises rather than our problems. It’s a really productive exchange.

But there is still more to the benefits of praising God instead of fixating on our problems which is this: as our faith is strengthened, our awareness of and belief in God’s presence goes up. By believing that God is with us, we can face any challenge with confidence, trusting that God is working all things out for our good.

This is why you and I are wise to desirethe gift of faith in our lives. The gift of faith is the special ability to be full of divine confidence and conviction in any situation. According to Hebrews 11:1, it involves being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It is this gift that enables us to trust God completely, even when circumstances seem impossible.

So, how do we “desire faith”? First, surrender the whole of your life to God. The measure of our faith is not determined by the number of prayers we get answered but by the amount of our lives we are willing to surrender to him.

What a profound thought.

As you and I surrender more and more of ourselves to our heavenly Father, our faith miraculously grows. Think of it this way: by trusting God with every part of our lives, we create space for faith to grow. We create space to see God at work in our lives, causing miracles to unfold.

A miracle is simply a divine intervention into our human affairs, and I’m always struck by the fact that the people I encounter who are living fully surrendered to Jesus are the same ones who tell me of the miracles they’ve seen him do.

Do you see the correlation?

As you surrender to the Lord Jesus, your faith in him is strengthened.
As your faith in him is strengthened, your eyes are opened to his work in the world.
As your eyes are open with fresh spiritual insight, you see his miracle-working power at hand.

If you are waiting on a miracle in your life—a diagnosis to be reversed, a prodigal child to come home, a financial situation to be reconciled, a divisive relationship to finally mend—let me encourage you as your pastor to surrender more of your life to Christ.

I mean it. Give him more room to work, not less.
Give him more of your heart, not less.
Give him more of your time and attention, more of your focus and care.

Then, pray bold prayers, asking him to do for you what only God can do!

God is with you.

And he is capable of doing the impossible, in and through your life.

I love being your pastor—

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A Giver of Gifts

Spiritual gifts are often misunderstood or overlooked in modern Christianity, even as they remain as relevant today as they were in the early church. The simplest way to think about a spiritual gift is this: it’s the Holy Spirit at work in us in a particular way the blesses both God and the people who love him.

But how can you tell if the Holy Spirit is at work in you? Let me give you two clear thoughts:

  1. First, you will know the Holy Spirit is working in and through you when your actions and words point people to Jesus rather than direct attention to you.
  2. Second, you will know the Holy Spirit is at work in and through you when your actions and words build up or encourage others instead of shaming them, hurting them, or discouraging them.

Watch for the times throughout your day when these dynamics are at work! Pay attention when your words and actions seem to direct people toward Jesus, toward righteous living, toward integrity, toward grace. And watch for that little uplift in someone’s countenance that tells you your words or actions were a blessing in their lives.

In terms of the types of spiritual gifts God might be using to accomplish his work through your life, consider what the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines,” (1 Corinthians 12:4-11, NIV).

I hope you’ll join us in coming weeks as we work through each of these gifts in detail, but for now, let me just plant a few seeds about the first two mentioned: wisdom and knowledge.

The Gift of Wisdom

The gift of wisdom is the special ability to offer sound counsel to others, and I think you’d agree that given the rampant misinformation in our world today, this gift is sorely needed. Wisdom helps us navigate life’s complexities and make decisions that honor God.

Wisdom is not limited to age; even young people can possess this gift. The key is to seek out wise counsel, ask thoughtful questions, and be open to learning from others. Jesus himself exemplified this at the age of 12, sitting among teachers and asking questions, and if Jesus valued wisdom, then how much more should we?

The Gift of Knowledge

The gift of knowledge is the special ability to have critical insight into people and situations and helps us discern the truth in a world full of deception. How desperately we need knowledge and insight these days, two resources that come from God, alone.

Practicing the Gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge

If you’d like to practice these gifts this week, let me give you a few things to try:

  1. Ask God to give you more of these gifts. He loves to lavish us with gifts that honor him!
  2. Surround yourself with wise and godly people. Seek their advice. Ask them insightful questions. Listen well.
  3. Before making your next significant decision, especially in critical areas like voting, making big life changes, or offering counsel to others, seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance. The Spirit of Truth will lead you along the path of righteousness, the path that honors God, by helping you make informed and godly decisions.
  4. Identify your spiritual gifts. Then, ask God to reveal to you opportunities for using them to benefit other people. For example, if you have a gift of teaching, consider saying yes to helping tutor children in local schools who are struggling to learn how to read or write or do math.

Remember, the gifts of wisdom and knowledge are available to all who seek them. Let’s use these gifts to make a positive impact in our communities and beyond.

I love being on this journey with you—

Pastor Brady

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